Truth and Health
10 Popular Diets and How Truth Bar Fits
In the world of nutrition, diets run rampant. Fad diets pop up around every corner, and diets for specific medical conditions have been around so long that even Registered Dietitians forget about their actual names. Here at Truth Bar, we...
How To Size Up Low Sugar Snacks and Snack Bars
Confused about sugar? We hear a lot about the importance of reducing our sugar content, but the messages are mixed about exactly how to do that. Which sweeteners are good and which are bad? Which sugar sources are actually okay...
Thinking About Going Gluten Free
Adopting a gluten-free diet has been increasingly on the rise over the last several years, but is it the right diet choice for you? How do you go about starting or incorporating gluten-free options into your daily routine? In fact,...
Top 10 Nuts With Protein
Are you looking for better skin, shinier hair, less fat, more muscle, or a better mood? Then getting enough protein in your diet is a must! Finding a nutritious, plant-based way to add protein in the diet, however, can sometimes...
Thinking About Going Gluten Free?
Adopting a gluten-free diet has been increasingly on the rise over the last several years, but is it the right diet choice for you? How do you go about starting or incorporating gluten-free options into your daily routine? In fact,...
11 Ways To Detox Without Fasting
After gorging on home cooking and holiday desserts, and the usual whirlwind of rushing around at year end, the new year is a great time for a new you, or at least a ‘renewed’ you! That means giving your body...